Third roll
This last roll was from one day I spent in technically the same canyon, but further down. To explain a bit more, the previous roll's canyon ends because a bunch of dirt was filled in for a road, splitting one canyon into 2. So far I'd only explored the smaller bit, but this time I got the full canyon experience.
In addition to that, this would also be my first roll on medium format film. I got a new camera that christmas, so this would be first time with it. I also went in with my 35mm camera with Kodak Gold in it, for when I thought it would make more sense to have color. I only got through about half of it, so it's sat undeveloped for almost a year.
October 2024
explain cat story
First shot actually in the canyon. A common theme in this roll is that things were a bit dangerous. There was still snow everywhere which made the near 45 degree dirt slopes pretty slippy. There was a plastic drainage pipe that I could hold onto for this shot, and I probably wouldn't have taken it otherwise. It's neat.
Further down the intended trail theres another drainage thing. I kinda liked how it sort of overlooked the canyon. To get this shot I had to climb a small bit of rock. Under normal conditions it would've been pretty easy, but with me carrying 2 cameras in a bag, and snow everywhere, it felt kinda scary. This camera didn't come with a lens hood, so there's glare. In the future I'll have to pay more attention and use my hand to cover it.
Moving on I found a crazy looking stump. With this being medium format, you can zoom in pretty far (at least more than what I'm used to) and see all the details. On the right you can see deer tracks following the trail. I'm pretty sure I was the first person to walk here after it snowed, so that's neat I guess. Kind of a boring picture, but I like the stump.
Bleh. The rocks were sort of following a path down here, but you can't really tell.
Found an uprooted tree. Again. Eh.
I found a spot where 2 trees would sort of frame the other side of the canyon. However, to get this particular angle, I would have to go up a slope of 1ft. of untouched snow then sit down and hold onto a fallen tree to make sure I didn't slide. It was a very long process, and by the time I got there I was a bit underwhelmed. It took so long to get up there that I decided to just take the shot anyway.
I guess I had gotten my settings wrong because I took another shot, but more exposed. That was definitely a good call, but still doesn't make up for it being a bad photo.
When searching around a it I thought I saw a branch sticking out of the ground. When I got closer I realized it was an antler. Then I realized it was a whole corpse. I took a photo of it since I guess I'm a sick person.
Now for the fun part. It's in front of a pre-school playground. Yup. Now that I'm writing about these photos I realize that there's a strange amount of pinecones on top of the deer. My guess is that the kids throw it at the corpse. Which I'd like to think makes me the less weird one for taking a photo of a corpse.
Ok maybe not.
At this point I couldn't really find where the trail continued, and I didn't want to risk slipping and possibly dying by going where I thought it was going. So, I took one last bad photo and went home.
I really wanted to take a picture of a bird at the feeder, but there weren't many. Usually there's at least 2, but I was stuck with this guy. It's a photo of a bird, not much else to say.
I still hadn't taken the comparison photo of the bridge so I went and did that. This first attempt was underexposed, and thankfully I realized that.
Much better. With all the snow the underside was brighter than normal. I've already talked about this shot so I guess that's the end.
Not as good of a roll I was hoping, but it was my first time with this camera so I think I'll give myself a break.